Mindset Monday Series

Building Belief


About this series

Beliefs shape our reality. It’s why any studies involving the human have to control for the placebo effect. Because of the power of belief, the power of the mind. In this series, attendees will understand the power that beliefs play in their lives (on and off the field), and identify beliefs that are holding them back so that they can create new empowering beliefs that help them feel worthy, confident, and capable.

Live sessions take place on Zoom and include 45 minutes of teaching & discussion followed by a 10-15 minute Q&A period. All attendees will receive access to the learning dashboard for session replays, resources, and homework

Session Dates: September 16th, 23rd, and 30th

4:00-5:00pm Pacific Time

Building Unshakable Belief.

In this series we will focus on:

  • Learning how to harness the power of beliefs to improve confidence and performance

  • Uncovering and dismantling limiting beliefs and blind spots that are holding her back from playing to her full potential

  • Constructing new empowering beliefs that make her feel confident and capable of doing and being anything

“The only thing that is stopping you from achieving your dreams is the belief that you can’t.”

— Ray Lewis


  • All attendees will have access to the learning dashboard which will house the replay for each session along with homework and resources. If your daughter can't make it and has a question she would like answered on the call, you can email me and I will answer it on the call.

  • The Mindset Monday Series are for girl athletes age 10+. It is also open to athletes that play any sport.

  • Parents are welcome to be involved in the series by watching replays and/or reviewing the homework with their daughters. If you want to be involved, my encouragement would be let your daughter lead the conversation.

  • After you sign up, you'll be prompted to create an account for the learning dashboard. You'll also receive a confirmation email with all the info including the Zoom link for our calls.

  • Session recordings will be posted in the learning dashboard and are available for approximately 3 months after the last session