Stop Following the Crowd… BE YOU!

As you start the new school year and meet new people, there can be a lot of pressure to follow the crowd and try to “fit in” to certain groups. But I want to make a case for going your own way, being true to yourself, even if it means you’re “different” than most people.

In fact, I consider myself very weird and different from most. And that’s something I’m very proud of because going with the crowd and doing what everyone else is going has never felt right for me, even when I was young. And I know as a teenager it’s way easier to follow the crowd. I did at times too. But over the years I’ve learned to lean into doing what feels right to me and authentic to who I really am.

So just because your friends are doing it or it’s the popular thing on TikTok doesn’t mean that you have to follow along. If you want to get caught up in the latest trend because you genuinely want to, then great. Go for it. But don’t do it unconsciously. Meaning don’t do it just because it’s the popular thing to do.

Ask yourself “Do I really want this? Do I really believe this? Or am I just doing this so that I fit in with what other people are doing?” When you ask yourself those questions, you start thinking for YOURSELF, not letting others think and act for you. Going with the crowd is easier in the short term, but it does have longterm, downstream consequences.

Now, I’m not going to lie and tell you that thinking and doing the opposite of the masses is all rainbows and butterflies. It has its challenges too. In fact, one of the times that I’ve felt most alone was when I had different views and beliefs than ALL my friends and neighbors…But even though I felt like the black sheep, I had this unwavering strength and trust in myself that I was doing what was right for me. So, yes you may be judged for going against the grain but at least you’re being true to yourself. I’ve done both and I can tell you that I’d rather be true to myself than be liked any day of the week.

So even though not following the crowd does have its challenges, it also has its rewards. By being true to yourself you’ll:

  • Build trust within yourself

  • Have more confidence to fully be you

  • Attract people that love you unconditionally

  • Repel people that are fake and don’t really care for you

  • Feel more peace, freedom, and ease

As cliche as it is, there’s only ONE you out of 8 billion. Don’t spend your time on this earth trying to be anyone but yourself and don’t lose yourself at the expense of fitting in. Trust me, I’ve tried that and it wasn’t fun.

So, next time you’re faced with the choice whether to follow the crowd or do your own thing, consider the following:

1. Does going with the crowd feel right? Is it authentic to you?

2. If you do decide to follow the crowd.. WHY? Because you really want to or because it’s the EASY choice and what everyone else is doing?

I hope this helps as you embark on a new school year and sports season. Don’t be afraid to be you, because you are awesome exactly as you are, so go be weird!


Pre-Performance Ritual of Champions