Pre-Performance Ritual of Champions

The Olympics are a test of physicality where speed, strength, power, endurance, and skill are all on display. These are all things that we can see, and of course, that we love to watch. Yet, so much of what got these athletes to where they are, is hidden. It's beneath the surface. You can't see an athletes thoughts, their mindset, or feel what they're feeling. But a huge part of their success is because of those things that are internal. Things that the world can't see.

So as I've been glued to the TV watching the Olympics over the last few weeks, I have made it a point to pay extra attention to how athletes prepare right before competition... because it's one of the few ways that you can get a look inside their minds. And although I (unfortunately) can't read their minds, watching the subtle things like their breath and self-talk is a great way to get an idea of how locked in and prepared they are.

So, me being the mindset nerd that I am, I've compiled a few clips of athletes who utilize the two most simple and most powerful things in a pre-performance routine...


I love seeing this on display, because it goes to show that even the best athletes in the world use these tools to calm nerves and improve performance. They aren't above training the mind, in fact, it's a necessity. And the cool thing about using these tools is that ANYONE, at any level, competing in anything can use them to improve performance, confidence, and focus.

Here are a few quick examples of when athletes can use self-talk and the breath in their sport:

  • Basketball: Before a free throw

  • Soccer: Before a set piece (corner, PK, free kick)

  • Softball: Before a pitch or an at bat

  • Volleyball: Before a serve

  • All sports: Start of the game, quarter, half, or after a mistake

Those are just a few examples in some common team sports, but there are so many different ways that athletes can incorporate this into their game and even into their daily lives.

Enjoy the rest of the Olympics and GO USA!



Stop Following the Crowd… BE YOU!


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